A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux
Good afternoon, we are from Ukraine!
All donations and proceeds from this game will go to volunteer efforts and NGOs working in Ukraine to help those in need.
At 5 AM on February 24, 2022, we woke up to the sounds of Russian missiles bombing our cities without any declaration of war. We have spent the following days taking our families to safety. We have made sure we are where we need to be to help those dear to us and our country. Some of us are now volunteers and members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Others are actively involved in civilian volunteer groups providing for those in need. These groups procure and deliver food, medicine, warm clothes, and other things to civilians in our capital Kyiv and other cities all over the country. They evacuate civilians trapped in places under attack by the Russian forces. They need your help.
We are a team of game developers from Ukraine. We are now doing what we do best – making another game. It will serve as a token of appreciation for any support we can get from you. The setting of the game is quite obvious: our Farmer Corps have already become legendary all over the world. Common Ukrainian farmers are regularly filmed using their tractors to capture Russian military equipment all over the country. In UKRAINIAN FARMY, you can experience being one of the scariest combatants on the Ukrainian battlefield - the Ukrainian tractor driver. Challenge yourself against time and "high-precision" artillery bombardments, and capture as many Russian tanks, trucks, and APCs as you can. The game is a work in progress – we plan to add more tractors and new maps soon.
You can also donate to us via crypto:
Alternatively, you can donate directly to proven long-standing NGOs and volunteer organizations:
- Come Back Alive
- Official humanitarian donations account of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
Please spread the word about this initiative. In the face of war, we are standing strong. Stand beside us. Every bit helps.
Glory to Ukraine!
Known issues
Problem: the game crashes with the error "D3D device being lost"
Workaround: launch the game in the compatibility mode with Windows 8
Problem: the game crashes on Linux on startup
Workaround: https://itch.io/post/5808513 (thanks to Liphtier)
Click download now to get access to the following files:
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I won making mine fully Russian !
Any help with the steering? The tractor only goes in circles.
Please check if you have any other input device connected other than the keyboard. Maybe a gamepad or VR headset?
Не хватает ланцетов для реалистичности.
Hey Ukrainian! Cool game you've got going here. Could you tell me who made the awesome key art for the game??
Hi, thank you!
The art was created by https://www.artstation.com/nazaryschex
сайт змінився, потрібно оновити.
ні https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/
Це є https://savelife.in.ua/
Hi, great idea! I am an translator (polish, german), but I have also translated many polish games from english to german. If you would be interested in a translation into german please leave your e-mail. Of course for free, I would like to help and I guess that many german players would rather download this game if it would be in german. Stay strong, Poland is with you!
слава Україні !!!
Героям слава!
steering broken, tractor accelerates and turns right by default. also no v sync?
Hi, thanks for reporting the issue!
Unfortunately, v-sync is absent. Regarding the steering issue, please check you don't have any other controllers or input devices attached.
Доброго дня. А з пресою ви спілкуєтесь? Бо є запит від Polygon...
Доброго дня!
Напишіть, будь ласка, на пошту ukr.tractor.sim@gmail.com. Дякую!
Слава Україні
Героям слава!
I am getting this error when starting the game:
Failed to find symbol file, expected location:
Switching from nvidia-driver-390 to nvidia-driver-470 helped.
Hi, glad you solved this so fast! And thanks for sharing the solution
Good stuff! Will spread the word on Social Media about this wonderful game. Slava Ukraini!
Thanks for playing and sharing!
Героям Слава!
Trzymajcie się tam na Ukrainie bracia i siostry
Dziękujemy za wsparcie i pomoc!
Slava Ukraini! Glory to the Heroes!
Thanks for your support!
Слава Україні!
Aviable for Android phone ?
Thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, now only PC platforms are supported. Android build might come out, but no estimates at the moment.
Tanks for answer
i'll wait for it
ЛЮДИ ТАМ ВОЙНА. Это не игра.
ЛЮДИ ТАМ ВІЙНА. Це не гра.
Multiplayer please!!! Thanks! :)
suggestion: make an on-line player version; also put in a PayPal donate link . I would pay $5 to play on-line for an hour.
Good game : )
TY for your work!
Thanks for playing!
Слава Україні!
Hello Ukraine!
Any plans on mobile support (Android/iOS)?
Слава тракторам і Україні
Hi! The Android version might come out. But I can't give any time estimation at the moment.
Героям Слава!
Hi Ukraine!
I really like the spirit of this game.
Dear Ukrainians, be sure that almost noboby in this Earth is agree with what is happening in your country. Keep strong, and keep safe.
Glory to Ukraine. Friendschips from France.
Hi! Thanks for your kind words!
We appreciate the support, it really means a lot to us.
Hi! Excited to play and glad to support, but having issues running. I'm On Fedora 35 using GNOME 3 and Wayland. When I run the script I get:
sh UkrainianFarmy.sh
4.27.0-0+++UE4+Release-4.27 522 0
Disabling core dumps.
Looking for binary: ../../../UATractorSimulator/Config/BinaryConfig.ini
Unable to read VR Path Registry from /home/gwyn/.config/openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
And it just sits.
Hi! Thanks for reporting the issue. I see there is a warning regarding Vulkan support, that might be a problem. What is your graphic card? What driver are you using?
Also, please take a look at this post with a similar issue https://itch.io/post/5808513
Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 4000 (IVB GT2)
Driver is i915.
Unfortunately, there is a chance that your video card is not supporting Vulkan 1.2 which is required to run on Linux. Could you please provide the output of the following command?
MESA-INTEL: warning: Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete
WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
Vulkan Instance Version: 1.3.204
WARNING: lavapipe is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
apiVersion = 4202691 (1.2.195)
driverVersion = 1 (0x0001)
conformanceVersion =
conformanceVersion =
apiVersion = 4202691 (1.2.195)
driverVersion = 88092680 (0x5403008)
conformanceVersion =
conformanceVersion =
Okay, as I can see, there is a problem in this line: conformanceVersion =
Do you have the latest version of your video driver? Also, I can suggest installing/upgrading vulkan-intel package
Works great on Linux - greetings from Poland ;)
Thanks for playing! Glad to hear that :)
And many thanks to Poland for the support!
It's a great little game, y'all should consider adding some art assets (covers, headers, etc) that can be used for adding to launchers like Steam & GOG.
Thanks for the feedback! That's a good idea. What I can say, expanding to new platforms is something we are researching at the moment.
Слава Україні!
Героям Слава!
Thank you guys for making this game and making me more aware about the problems you're facing and also it's a fun game.
Thanks for playing! Glad you liked the game.
Special thanks for making the video, that's awesome!
We are also in Ukraine (foreigners) and doing a similar project but NFT and blockchain based game (SOL) with donations going to relevant NGOs.
Check out our Instagram @tractors_and_tanks with almost 200 of these memes (videos, art, photos). I already added your project with links. Drop me a line and lets discuss how we can work together since we are on the same side!
Zamiast na ciągniku litery "U" proponuję dać barwy Ukrainy.
Hey guys, love your little game. :)
Do you guys plan on making longer games once this crazy dictators episode is over? I'd like to keep an eye on your work.
Also, that image of the tractors towing the Moscow is glorious, whoever painted it needs a raise.
Stay safe, lots of love from Lithuania, Slava Ukraini. <3
(P.S, forgot to mention, odd bug with the game bringing up my VR headset Steam software for some reason.)
Hi! Thanks for the kind words. We appreciate the support from you and your country. Героям Слава!
It is hard to make any future plans at the moment. Of course, we'd love to make something more full-fledged. However, right now we are only focused on today.
Regarding the VR Headset issue. Thanks for reporting this. I can confirm there is a problem with VR activation on game start (which normally should not happen). This would be patched in the 1.0.5 version.
Supporting Ukraine is very important for us right now, as we understand if we don't help, we'll simply be next.
I see, I understand, focusing on today is most important right now, although I hope that everything will be alright tomorrow as well.
Good to hear you've figured out the bug. :)
Best of luck to you guys.
My tractor automatically steers to the right. If I try to steer left, it can almost go straight. What could be the issue?
No keyboard buttons are stuck, of course :D
Slava Ukraini!
Hi! Thanks for reporting the issue. Does this happen during enemy vehicle transportation? If so, this is a rare issue with the joint. In some cases, it forces your vehicle to move in the wrong direction. This usually happens if there was a big angle between the vehicles during attachment. I am working on the potential fix for this.
The workaround is to detach the vehicle and attach it again trying to keep the tractor aligned to the enemy vehicle's direction.
Героям слава!
No, it is from the very first seconds of game. I have not driven a single meter straight.
Also, the tractor drives backwards by itself.
It does so even with the keyboard disconnected.
Oh, that's really strange. I'm sorry you've got into this trouble. Could you please tell me what platform are you running your game on? Do you have any kind of external controller connected (like from PlayStation or Xbox)?
Thanks! It turned out there was a controller dongle plugged in (but no controller)
Problem solved, fun game! Thanks!
Hi, happy to say that the linux build (1.0.4) worked nicely here! (AMD 3500U with mesa 22.0.1 and linux 5.15.19)
Слава України!
Thank you! Glad to hear that!
Героям слава!
Привіт, спеціально зареєструвався, щоб зробити внесок у вашу гру. Я зробив інсталятор під неї, хочу вам його запропонувати, абсолютно безкоштовно! Ставить ярлики - можна видалити. Мова установки : EN\UA. Розмір у два рази менший. Є всі посилання і так далі, покажу як виглядає:
Якщо вас це цікавить, я вам віддам упаковану гру, і готовий кожну нову версію обновляти в інсталятор (Якщо така буде) Чекаю вашу відповідь) Слава Україні!
Публікувати файл не буду без вашого дозволу)
Дякую за небайдужість.
Напишіть, будь ласка, на пошту ukr.tractor.sim@gmail.com
игра топ )
wow. i just launched a NFT project with farmers. i want to give 20% of what i sell to this project. Can i have a contact mail?https://opensea.io/collection/mfarmers
Love you guys <3. Slava Ukraini
Hi! That's an unexpected and generous proposition, thank you! You can contact me at ukr.tractor.sim@gmail.com
Glory to Heroes!
Actually nice game. Tanks sometimes do some funny rolling when I bump into them so I can't pick them up sometimes but this makes the game even funnier! Thanks for the game, Слава Україні, Героям Слава!
Thank you!
You can reset the towed vehicle and your tractor by pressing Ctrl-F (the vehicle will get unhooked, and you'll need to hook it up once again).
Слава Україні!
Thanks for the game! Glory for Ukraine!
Thank you for your support! Glory to Heroes!
Many thanks for the idea. Слава України 🇺🇦
And additional thanks for the version for Linux. 🐧
Thank you for your support!
Героям слава!